Sunday, November 20, 2011

HPLC Made to Measure: A Practical Handbook for Optimization, Stavros Kromidas

HPLC Made to Measure: A Practical Handbook for Optimization, Stavros Kromidas

The only topical HPLC book to focus on optimization, this volume addresses the needs of HPLC users who wish to constantly improve their methods, in particular in terms of throughput, accuracy and cost-effectiveness.
It covers essential aspects of optimization in general, optimization in different LC-modi, hyphenated techniques and computer-aided optimization. The whole is rounded off with a section of user reports.

The HPLC SOlvent Guide, 2nd edition, Paul C.Sadek

The HPLC SOlvent Guide, 2nd edition, Paul C.Sadek

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a procedure for separating components from a mixture of chemical substances; a combination of separation, identification, and quantitative measurements. Solvent selection is perhaps the most commonly overlooked parameter in HPLC. Even the most experienced analytical chemist tends to select one of three familiar solvents. The HPLC Solvent Guide provides detailed coverage of all commonly used HPLC solvents used in a wide range of separations.
This second edition of a successful title will build upon the success of the first. This is a revised and expanded edition in a field that is still growing into areas of analysis and methods.